Wednesday, December 8, 2010

These photos are of Libby lafitaga (far right) when she went to represent our school at SSC

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here we are taking a break in our haunted house, our service project for the month of October.

Ms.Craig Congratulating students at honor roll assembly November 4th

Friday, October 22, 2010

Student Council with Mrs. Mulcahy on her last day.
(from left) Libby Lafitaga, Victoria Gentry, Juenea Dement, and Jessica Dickerson at Kalaheo fun fair representing our school.

Jake Murray , Parker Ormande and Colin Kubota of "Rebelled Adolescence" playing on exploratory day.

Anisia and I on exploratory day, which we hosted.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

7th and 8th grade council

Just a reminder if you are interested in running for 7th or 8th grade student council, here is some info on what you would be doing. You will be hosting fundraisers, service projects, and learning how to be a leader. Also for 8th grade council, you are in charge of banquet so if there is no 8th grade council, no banquet! so we want everyone to have a chance to run.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spirit Week

Hey everyone! as you know, first quarter is coming to a close.
We would like to end this quarter with spirit week starting Monday the
27th. Here is the schedule.
Monday- Rainbow day, wear as much rainbow as you can
Tuesday- School colors day, wear as much blue and gold as you can
Wednesday- look-a-like day, find a friend and look as much like them as possible
Thursday- 80s day, bring on the neon colors, and big hair!

all of the spirit week activities above have to be participated while in dress code.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

SMENCILS!!!!!! If you haven't noticed student council is selling smencils, here is your heads up. What are smencils you ask? They are pencils that have great scents and are 100% recycled! Some of the scents are root beer, cotton candy, bubble gum and so much more! They are just $1.25 each and you can add a gram for just 50 cents more. Hurry up they are selling fast!

Hey everyone! Progress reports came out today,9/2/10. Hopefully your grades are above a C. I would also like to mention the 8th grader honor roll assembly. It is on the 7th of this month. If you received an honor roll invitation, you may come during action period and have refreshments, and you will get a certificate and pin to celebrate your success! Hope to see you there.


Parents!!! Times for assembly 8:15 till 8:45 on September 7th.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hi everyone!

Hello every one this is Anisia, one of your student council chairperson. This is a blog that is run by student council and it's main purpose is to inform you about our school and the activities here on campus. We hope you will enjoy this year and please come back soon. Griffin and I will be working on the site.

P.S. If there is anything you would like for us to post on the site just contact student council.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Schedule Pick up Days

Student Council members were on hand during schedule pick up days on July 8 and 9 to provide information to 7th grade students. They also organized the Welcome Back assemblies and helped to sell planners.